These are inspirational, motivational, wise abortion quotes, sayings, and proverbs that inspire us. See more quotes by topic on MindBootstrap.
Best Abortion quotes
There are two victims in every abortion: a dead baby and a dead conscience.
The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between. ~Mother Teresa
Abortion is an attack on the family and the humanity that unites us all. ~Alveda King
In the case of abortion, one pits the life of the fetus against the interests of the pregnant woman. ~Leon Kass
Abortion is a question of choice. ~Robert Casey
No woman has an abortion for fun.
It seems to me as clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime. ~Mahatma Gandhi
I am against abortion; I think that life is sacred and we should take a position of being against abortion. I think it is wrong to take human life. I think that human life starts at conception. ~Bill Graham
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion. ~Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Sad Abortion Quotes
However, we might oppose it, abortion is a sad feature of modern life. ~Robert Casey
I think the meaning of abortion is what the woman says it is: For a woman who wants a child but can’t have this one, it can be sad; for a woman who doesn’t want a baby, it can feel like a huge relief, like having your whole life given back to you. ~Katha Pollitt
Nothing can prepare a young woman for the lifetime of pain and loss that comes from abortion…
My heart is broken and will always be. It’s something I have to cope with for the rest of my life…
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about what it would be like to still be pregnant and what my child would look like. I feel lonely and sad every day.
I have to wear a fake smile every single day because the girl who aborted her baby isn’t allowed to be sad…
It’s a sad state of affairs that we have only one choice (for abortion) right now. But if you have to go out of state, the cost of making that trip will be prohibitive. ~Charon Asetoyer
Celebrity Abortion Quotes
Too many people use abortion as a form of birth control. And that’s very wrong. I could never, ever have an abortion. ~Brooke Shields
I had an abortion..(so) I’m here to say, when politicians argue and shout about abortion, they’re talking about me – and millions of other women around the country. ~Cecile Richards
If you are a man who is opposed to abortion, you should get a vasectomy. ~Rachel Maddow
I don’t support abortion. I could never participate in one. But I think it would be a mistake to make them illegalagain.
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