God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

The biblical book of Job that gives an account of Job’s sufferings and his trust in God has great quotes about the immensity of God’s love, power and greatness.

The story of Job’s life in the Bible comes up as the best example of extreme sufferings. From the moment Satan tests Job to the time God restores Job’s fortunes, many great quotes and sayings can be found that exemplify God’s divine power.

Job is the ideal good man, husband and father. Satan challenged this and said to God that Job is a complete believer because he is prosperous. God allowed Satan to test Job through a series of immense hardships, practically stripping him off all his possessions and loved ones; he also suffered a disease.

Job was in conversation with some friends, with mixed emotions as they try and help him out. In the end, Satan was unsuccessful as Job’s trust and respect in God remained steadfast.

God the Unfathomable

Zophar, one of Job’s friends, tries to help. He speaks of God’s greatness, at the same time he had mixed feelings. He is sympathetic but prods Job to repent before God to restore his prosperity.

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

He tells Job, “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.” ~Job 11: 7, 9

Job’s Declaration of Trust and Hope in God

The ever faithful Job sees a glimmer of hope with his eloquent declaration of it. He replies to Bildad, another friend,

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.” ~Job 19: 25-26

God Forgives

Eliphaz, Job’s other friend, also makes his recommendations. Since anyone needs improvement in life, he suggests that Job confess his sins and ask God for forgiveness. That way God will forgive him and his good life will be restored.

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

Eliphaz says, “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your mouth.” ~Job 22: 21-22

God Never Abandons

Somehow, Job is annoyed by the untrue accusations of his friends – that he is sinful and wicked – with friends’ assumption that he is undergoing punishment from God. He manages to rebut them by establishing that the bad guys do prosper.

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

He says, “The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help. But God charges no-one with wrongdoing.” ~Job 24: 12

He spends the rest of the passage explaining that, while the wicked people appear to prosper, they will get their just reward in the end.

Acknowledge and Declare God’s Greatness

These quotes from chapter 36, is spoken by Elihu, God’s spokesperson. He explains to Job the purpose of pain, and once again, stresses God’s greatness and power.

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

“God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him?” ~Job 36: 22

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

“Remember to extol his work, which men have praised in song.” ~Job 36:24

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

“How great is God – beyond our understanding!” ~Job 36: 26

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

“God draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind.” ~Job 36: 27-28

God’s Promise of Love and Faithfulness Abounds

In the last chapter of the book of Job, at last, God speaks. He gives a detailed description how he blesses Job and restores his prosperous life more than ever.

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job

Job lived to see the fourth generation of his children and “so he died, old and full of years.” ~Job 42:17

God Quotes and Sayings from Book of Job


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