How to correctly write a research paper to get a high grade? This question torments many students. A research paper is one of the most popular test papers, so you must work hard to write it competently.
Where to start to write a research paper
As many professional writers say, the hardest part is getting started. So writing a research paper is no exception. It is quite a voluminous work, more than an ordinary report. The purpose of a student research paper is to gather and organize information on a particular problem.
Before paper writing, the student must choose a topic. It is necessary to understand that the thematic component should fascinate and interest the author himself. It is one of the characteristics of a decent result. You’ve chosen the topic, so what do we do next? You need to move on to the next step, making a plan.
In some cases, the teacher assigns a topic to the student. You may get a complicated and not understandable topic for a research paper. In such cases, you as a student, usually start to panic. Then you probably have a question: can I pay someone to write my paper to avoid a bad grade? We want to answer your question. You can turn to a professional writing service for help. The experts will quickly complete your assignment to perfection.

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels
Making a Plan
Some students neglect to make a plan for their written work. But this stage allows you to assess the scope of future work and outline the main points of the topic. So we recommend you pay special attention to this point. The plan makes up 70% of the content. It contains the following information:
- Introduction – most often makes up 1/10 part of the research paper.
- Main part: chapters, sections, paragraphs.
- Conclusion: 1-2 pages.
- List of used sources.
- Graphic and text appendices (if necessary).
The outline will help you formulate the main questions to cover in the essay. In the paragraphs, the author highlights theses that help solve the problems. They provide an opportunity to reveal the essence of the problem and prove the thematic relevance.
How to make a plan for a research paper
Selection of material
A few decades ago, students had to visit libraries to write academic papers. But the development of information technology has made it possible to find information more quickly.
To choose relevant material for your article, you need to make a list of key points:
- Outline the chronological framework of the study.
- Identify famous authors dealing with the problem.
- Identify resources that have not only academic literature but also monographs and dissertations on your chosen topic.
Teachers are very carefully studied lists of sources, so the material should be selected taking into account the relevance – literature not older than 5-7 years. And the emphasis should be on articles rather than textbooks. Do not hurt legislative, regulatory, and legal acts. It is important to pay attention to edits – you must use the documents in their latest version.
Stages of work on the research paper
After completing all the preliminary steps, you must move on to the actual writing of the text.
Important! Before your eyes should always be a plan, this will help maintain consistency and structural parts of the research paper.
How to write an introduction for a college research paper
Most often, the introduction takes about 10% of the entire work. But by its significance, this part is one of the most important. Its primary function is to interest the audience. In addition to a brief overview, the introduction should reflect the relevance and significance of the chosen topic, the key goals, and the objectives. Write the introductory text according to the following plan:
- Write several introductory sentences on the chosen topic.
- Decipher the relevance of the problem and its importance in the modern world.
- Describe the goals and objectives, and formulate a hypothesis about the results of the work done and their practical relevance.
- Define the object and subject of the research and their brief characteristics.
- Write the structure of the work and its chronological framework.
What to write about in the main part of the research paper
The main part of the study should fully disclose the chosen topic. It is the most voluminous part of the research paper. The chapters may include several subsections or paragraphs, depending on the extensiveness of the research.
It is necessary to refer to the scientific literature, relying on the opinions of experts in the study to form this structural element. You should not forget that the paper should be unique. One should not use the texts of books and articles without changes. It is important to bring your thoughts into the research paper and reveal your point of view.
What the final part of the research paper should contain
The conclusion is a summary of the entire work. It is necessary to formulate the main idea, which proves all the stages of research. You have to focus on achieving the goals and objectives of the introduction.
In addition, the conclusion should include a description of all the activities carried out as part of the study.
Attention! The main thing that the final part of the research paper should contain is the conclusions of the problem. Analysis of possible obstacles or difficulties encountered during the work. Description of achievements, which subsequently became recommendations for solving certain issues. You can get research paper writing help on the best college essay writing service if you are not confident in your abilities.
How to make a good reference list
The following criteria will help you make a quality reference list:
- Modern and up-to-date sources – no older than 5-7 years at the beginning of the study.
- The literature should be relevant to the assigned topic.
- Use at least ten sources.
Paper Formatting
The formatting of the research paper is one of the final but important stages of the work. The appearance of the research paper should fully coincide with the standards:
- Font size – 14 kegel.
- The color of the text is black.
- The font style is Times New Roman.
- The interval between the lines – is one and a half.
- The bold typeface is used only for titles and structural elements.
- Paragraph indent – 1.25 cm – should be used.
- Requires compliance with the size of the margins, in which the text fits: left – 30 mm, right – 15 mm, top and bottom – 20 mm.
Do not forget about page numbering. Checkers pay attention to the title page of the work. It must contain the full name of the institution, the discipline, the theme, the data of the student who performed the work, the name of the teacher, and the year of writing. In addition to the above rules, the text should not contain grammatical and punctuation errors.
How to do a research paper on the computer
Using a computer allows you to simplify the process of writing your paper. The best program for writing is Microsoft Word. In addition, you can use, as auxiliary elements of the product line Office: Excel or PowerPoint.
You can create your paper in the cloud. Google has a project called Documents. Recommendations: you can not only save an abstract and share a link to it with a teacher but also edit the text online. It is also convenient because your teacher can make edits to your paper as you.
It is not always the case that a student prepares a research paper in advance. If you have only a few days before the defense, it is possible to order a paper online. You can choose the essay writing service reddit to entrust them with your assignment.