The Positive Effects of Marijuana on the Human Body

According to statistics, marijuana is one of the most common “light” drugs. Paradoxically, in states where the use of “weed” is allowed by law, the level of drug addiction is much lower than in countries where cannabis is not legalized.

In this article, you will learn the benefits of aaaa weed

The Effects of Cannabis on Central Nervous System Functioning

Experts confirm that there are no substances in cannabis that can cause apathy or decreased motivation. Special mention should be made of the effect of cannabis on the ability to perceive and remember new information.

Reversible short-term memory difficulties may occur if the recommended dose is exceeded during acute intoxication, but thereafter all functions are fully restored. There is no data on the effects of marijuana on cognitive ability, so the deleterious effects of cannabis on thinking and concentration are also just another myth.

The effects of marijuana on reproductive function and sex hormone levels

The effects of cannabis on basic sexual functions have been studied both in men and in the weaker sex. It has been proven that even regular use of marijuana had no effect on testosterone and estrogen levels.

There could be slight fluctuations in the hormonal background if the dose was regularly exceeded, but the indicators were never out of the norm and quickly returned to their original parameters.

On the contrary, cannabis noticeably increases libido, sex drive, and the feeling of own attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

That is why it is safe to say that there is no effect of cannabis on the hormonal background, and the information about impotence, fertility disorders, and other problems is the result of wrong clinical research made before the advent of modern medical equipment.

Effects of marijuana on the respiratory tract

As practice shows, same day weed delivery Vancouver cannabis cigarettes are smoked much less throughout the day, and less smoke is inhaled. But at the same time, with regular use, a person becomes more susceptible to acute respiratory infections, and more often there are complications in the form of bronchitis, and pneumonia.

This effect of marijuana on the lungs should be considered when determining treatment tactics for acute respiratory infections. To reduce the risk of smoking marijuana, it is recommended not to inhale deeply and not to hold the smoke in the mouth – contrary to popular belief, this does not enhance the psychoactive effect of cannabis.

The effects of marijuana on the cardiovascular system

The effect of marijuana on the heart and blood vessels is ambiguous and depends on many factors. So, relatively recently, so-called cannabinoid receptors of two types have been discovered in the human body:

  • CB 1 is located in the endothelium of arteries, capillaries, and nerve endings that regulate myocardial function;
  • CB 2 is located in cardiomyocytes and in the arterial endothelium.

Marijuana varieties containing high concentrations of THC increase CB 1 activity, which manifests as tachycardia with a simultaneous decrease in vascular tone and blood pressure. In addition, regular use of high doses of cannabis accelerates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inside of arteries, which in turn increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Such impact of marijuana on blood vessels should be considered in the presence of risk factors: obesity, cardiovascular disease in the immediate family, already diagnosed arrhythmia, hypertension, and thrombosis. Experts agree that moderate amounts of pot are safer than smoking or drinking alcohol. And after the expected legalization of cannabis in our country will appear medical marijuana with reduced THC content, which, according to doctors, has some cardioprotective properties.

The impact of cannabis on the digestive organs

It has been relatively recently discovered that THC has the ability to normalize the immune system and, in particular, the cells “responsible” for the development of autoimmune processes.

That is why moderate use of cannabis is a kind of prophylaxis for non-specific ulcerative colitis (Crohn’s disease) and some other pathologies. Marijuana also has a moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

The effect of marijuana on the liver is interesting. It has been found that cannabis neutralizes the negative effects of long-term abuse of alcohol, poor diet, and taking hepatotoxic drugs and helps to cope with fatty hepatosis. Prospects of using medical cannabis in complex therapy of liver diseases are being actively studied.


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