328+ Best Would You Rather Questions You’ll Need

Would You Rather, is a timeless game that has entertained people of all ages for decades. It is not only a fun game but also a great way to start conversations.

Here are some fun, engaging and exciting would you rather questions.

How to play the would you rather game

To play the Would You Rather game, you need players, and a bit of creativity. Once started, ideas flow out and questions keep getting better and tougher. There are essentially three steps to set up the game.

First of all, have players, at least two players.

Once you have players, choose a player to go first. Here, to spice up the game even before it begins, come up with out of the box ways of selecting who goes first. The first player is then asked a question, and they need to pick an answer from the two options offered. Lastly, to keep the game going, keep asking questions back and forth.

When it comes to the questions, you need to create a dilemma of two similar options. These options can be good options like chocolate over fudge or bad options like drowning over being buried alive. Also, would you rather questions work best when you wipe off all reservations and dive into the uncomfortable and even gross questions.

Finally, to make the game even more fun set a timer, so the player has to think and choose fast. The flexibility of the game allows players to be creative in how they play and ask questions.
Here are some fun, engaging and exciting would you rather questions

25 Best would you rather questions

Long list of best would you rather questions

Are you looking for fun ways to unwind, maybe during the weekend or in the evening? Would you rather questions are great ice breakers that help kick start conversations and keep them going. The funny, exciting, scary and also difficult questions get your mind doing cartwheels as you try to pick a choice.

Never run out of questions to keep the fun going with this list of best would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sight?
2. Would you rather have 3 feet or 3 hands?
3. Would you rather be able to freeze time or travel in time?
4. Would you rather have your dream job or find your true love?
5. Would you rather marry the hottest person alive or marry the smartest person alive?
6. Would you rather be a superhero’s sidekick or a famous villain?
7. Would you rather fight a cat-sized lion or a lion-sized cat?
8. Would you rather fart loudly every time you’re in public or sneeze loudly every time you’re in public?
9. Would you rather all your clothes were two sizes too small or two sizes too big?
10. Would you rather have the loudest voice in quiet places or whisper the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather listen to your worst music genre or never have to listen to music at all?
12. Would you rather be bald or lose all your teeth?
13. Would you rather always wear mismatched shoes or itchy clothes?
14. Would you rather be a famous scientist or a pop star?
15. Would you rather win a Nobel peace prize or an Oscar?
16. Would you rather win a million dollars or have a lifetime supply of your favorite food?
17. Would you rather see your future or see everyone’s future but your own?
18. Would you rather only drink water or drink every beverage with a drop of pee in it?
19. Would you rather marry a stranger or your worst enemy?
20. Would you rather love someone who doesn’t love you or be loved by someone you don’t love?
21. Would you rather have the same phone forever or the same haircut forever?
22. Would you rather be stuck in the future or be stuck in the past?
23. Would you rather have bad breath or stinky feet?
24. Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or turn in your best friend for committing murder?
25. Would you rather always be caked in makeup or wear your natural face always?

36 Funny would you rather questions

Being at a loss for words sucks, but poking some fun at your friends and family or significant other can get the day going and start a conversation. Laugh yourself to stitches while at the same time struggle to choose between the two options presented to you.

Here are some of the Funniest would you rather questions to get the fun going.

Full list of funny would you rather questions

1. You are in an elevator with six other people. Would you rather fart loudly and everyone laughs at you, or someone else farts, and you’re the only one to laugh obnoxiously?
2. Would you rather be a tree or live in a tree?
3. Would You Rather Have A Freakishly Huge Smile Or A Freakishly Small Nose? (source)
4. Would you rather have a superpower or meet the love of your life?
5. Would you rather give up chocolate or cookies?
6. Would you rather no one ever takes what you say seriously or you never take anything anyone says seriously?
7. Would you rather live forever or die and be reincarnated as your worst animal?
8. Would you rather be without knees or be without elbows?
9. Would you rather walk naked all the time or wear see-through clothes?
10. Would You Rather Have Your Breath Smell Like A Bad Fart Or Have Your Laugh Sound Like A Fart?
11. Would you rather travel in time and meet your great great great grandparents or meet your great great great grandchildren?
12. Would you rather have your browser history made public or the last 20 pictures in your camera roll made public?
13. Would you rather get banned from Snapchat or accidentally post an unflattering selfie to your story?
14. Would you rather eat through your butt or poop through your mouth?
15. Would you rather wear your grandpa’s clothes or have your grandpa’s hair?
16. Would you rather walk in on your parents doing the deed or have them walk in on you doing the deed?
17. Would you rather have a pet skunk that sprayed you once a month or a pet porcupine that quilled you once a month?
18. Would you rather say “I love you” to everyone when you hang up the phone or accidentally call your significant other the wrong name during a fight?
19. Would you rather your dog be able to talk, but only to you and everyone else thinks you’re crazy or only you be able to talk to your dog?
20. Would you rather fart every time you smile or shit yourself every time you laugh?
21. Would you rather always find one piece of toilet paper every time you go to the bathroom or have an endless supply of toilet paper but always shit your pants in public?
22. Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or drink from a toilet bowl?
23. Would you rather be a cowboy who rides bulls or a pimp?
24. Would you rather your neighbors watched you as you shower or you watched your neighbors as they shower?
25. Would you rather forget a year of your life or walk around naked for a week?
26. Would you rather roll around in mud every day before a cold shower or skip showers for a month?
27. Would you rather get a wet Willie every day or trip in front of your crush for a month?
28. Would you rather explain a rat bite as your reason for lateness for a consecutive week or be late to work all your life?
29. Would you rather marry a vain person or a temperamental person?
30. Would you rather eat carrots for the rest of your life and have a perfect shape or eat anything you want and gain a pound after every meal?
31. Would you rather lose a tooth every year or never use social media again for the rest of your life?
32. Would you rather people think you’re overly sensitive all the time or they think you’re PMSing?
33. Would you rather make love with the lights on or with the lights off?
34. Would you rather have painful cramps or never have to shave again?
35. Would you rather give up your phone for a year or stop using emoji for the rest of your life?
36. Would you rather give up your pet or your phone?

26 Deep would you rather questions

Sometimes, to get the fun going, delving into deep matters is exciting. Would you rather questions help you dig into serious matters of life, answer some pressing issues and explain some mysteries that you might have wondered about.

Here are some deep would you rather questions to unlock fears, have a laugh and prompt some thinking:

1. Would you rather be colorblind or have no sense of smell?
2. Would you rather know how you die or when you’ll die?
3. Would you rather always transform into Gollum when the sun sets or live as Shrek for the rest of your life?
4. Would you rather go blind or go deaf?
5. Would you rather be homeless or always wake up naked outside your house?
6. Would you rather pick money floating in a public toilet or drink from your toilet bowl?
7. Would you rather fight an orangutan once a year with a sword or fight a chicken to the death every morning?
8. Would you rather hear people’s thoughts or control people’s minds?
9. Would you rather look at your mom’s browser history or your dad’s?
10. Would you rather get a girl pregnant every time you have sex or never have sex for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather be a serial killer or a human trafficker?
12. Would you rather think like a child in your current body or think like an 80-year-old in your current body?
13. Would you rather everyone hears your thoughts or your boss sees your browser history?
14. Would you rather grow tentacles or have webbed feet?
15. Would you rather snort every time you kiss someone or pee yourself every time you have sex?
16. Would you rather give up sleep for the rest of your life or be mute for a year?
17. Would you rather dinosaurs came back and dogs went extinct, or humans went extinct?
18. Would you rather see ghosts and talk to them or turn your sibling into a cult?
19. Would you rather have a pause button for your life or a rewind button?
20. Would you rather drown to death or choke to death?
21. Would you rather be a nose picker or drool all the time?
22. Would you rather grow a foot every day or lose a foot every day?
23. Would you rather forget how to read or how to write?
24. Would you rather be the last person on earth or the first person on another planet?
25. Would you rather it rained every time you get angry, or it never rained for the rest of your life?
26. Would you rather always spell your boss’s name wrong or always freeze up during presentations?

40 Flirty would you rather questions

Maybe you’re looking for questions to help you build up the courage to ask out your crush, or just fun, harmless flirting. Flirty questions are not just witty and entertaining but also exciting, sweet and maybe even a bit cute? Bring your flirt out with incredible flirty questions.

Here are some flirty would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather get compliments from your crush or get compliments from a lot of people?
2. Would you rather give up pizza or sex for a year?
3. Would you rather watch the sunset or sunrise?
4. Would you rather win a lifetime supply of pizza or meet your true love?
5. Would you rather marry rich and ugly or poor and good looking?
6. Would you rather give up dancing or music?
7. Would you rather friend zone someone or befriend zoned?
8. Would you rather be single forever or be in an abusive relationship?
9. Would you rather date me or just be friends forever?
10. Would you rather kiss a stranger or kiss me a person?
11. Would you rather date your closest friend or someone you don’t know?
12. Would you rather go on an adventure or stay in every weekend for a year?
13. Would you rather split the bill or let the man always pay?
14. Would you rather dance with your significant other under the stars outside or go to a crowded club?
15.Would you rather be the third wheel or allow your friend to be the third wheel?
16. Would you rather go on a picnic or a fancy restaurant?
17. Would you rather dress up for date nights or just Netflix and chill in sweats?
18. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
19. Would you rather take silly selfies with your crush or go on a hike?
20. Would you rather strip your last item of clothing in a strip poker game or kiss me?
21. Would you rather dive in when fully-clothed or skinny dip?
22. Would you rather kiss me in private or kiss me in public?
23. Would you rather get breakfast in bed or a candlelit dinner?
24. Would you rather hold my hand or I hold your hand?
25. Would you rather cuddle or make out?
26. Would you rather pass notes or text?
27. Would you rather your boyfriend wear briefs or boxers?
28. Would you rather have a solely physical relationship or a solely emotional relationship?
29. Would you rather marry someone who is good in bed or in the kitchen?
30. Would you rather date someone who gets along with your friends or your family?
31. Would you rather have multiple partners at once or date one person at a time?
32. Would you rather have a public proposal or a private proposal?
33. Would you rather be in a relationship or have a friend with benefits?
34. Would you rather have a big wedding or elope?
35. Would you rather live in a small town or a big city?
36. Would you rather use restraints in bed or be blindfolded?
37. Would you rather make the first move or wait three years for your crush to make the first move?
38. Would you rather get along with your significant other’s mother or sister?
39. Would you rather your boyfriend forget your birthday or your due date?
40. Would you rather date a cheater or an abuser?

16 Hard would you rather questions

To break the monotony of laughing at easy questions, raise the stakes with hard would you rather questions to help you get you thinking hard about these questions. Hard would you rather questions push you out of your comfort and challenge you to ponder about the choices more carefully.

Here is a list of hard would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather lose all your money or your childhood memories?
2. Would you rather give up social media or give up all beverages but water
3. Would you rather be stuck in traffic every day or have slow internet for a year?
4. Would you rather have the lights on or off in a room full of snakes?
5. Would you rather fall from the seventh floor be run over by two trucks?
6. Would you rather be second best or remain single all your life?
7. Would you rather work your dream job for no pay or have a high salary in a job you hate?
8. Would you rather fire your boss or the colleague you’re closest to?
9. Would you rather get a stranger pregnant or a close friend?
10. Would you rather forget all your exes or forget the answers to an important test?
11. Would you rather be always 20 minutes late to important meetings or two hours early to everything?
12. Would you rather forget all the books you’ve read or all the movies you’ve watched?
13. Would you rather always feel the urge to pee or never know when you have to pee?
14. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with all your one night stands or a clown?
15. Would you rather meet your favorite movie star or favorite author?
16. Would you rather be stuck in a desert or be stuck in a storm?

20 Hardest would you rather questions

A notch higher, more fun and a lot more thinking. The hardest would you rather questions put you between a rock and a hard place. However, you have to decide, and despite the stress, it can be exciting and engaging.

Ready to scratch your brain?

1. Would you rather always speak honestly or never speak again?
2. Would you rather smell like rotten eggs to school or have a green cloud appear around you every time you fart anywhere?
3. Would you rather sneeze or doze off during meetings for a year?
4. Would you rather our hair grew on your arms and legs and not your head, or it doesn’t grow anywhere at all?
5. Would you rather have a weird sex fetish that everyone knows or have sex with a goat?
6. Would you rather know when your future children will be born or how their future will be?
7. Would you rather be the tallest person on the planet or the shortest person on the planet?
8. Would rather control fire or water?
9. Would you rather drown or be buried alive?
10. Would you rather be live alone on an island or be lost at sea for a month?
11. Would you rather be able to understand animal language or animals be able to speak to you?
12. Would you rather be the best in something you choose or the best in everything?
13. Would you rather always overdress or under dress for events?
14. Would you rather lose your sex organs or gain 200 pounds for the rest of your life?
15. Would you rather always have an itch on your back or lose your sex appeal?
16. Would you rather be stuck in a room full of snakes or spiders?
17. Would you rather have a watermelon sized head or a tennis ball size head?
18. Would you rather have knives for fingers or penises for fingers?
19. Would you rather sneeze every time someone calls your name or feel intense pain every time someone says hello to you?
20. Would you rather be stuck in the past or in the future?

22 Gross would you rather questions

The beauty of would you rather questions is that you can broach any subject easily. With this fun would you rather questions, you can be as gross as you’d like with these would you rather questions.

1. Would you rather hold someone else’s poop in your hands or poop in your own hands?
2. Would you rather sniff a skunk’s butt or lick a dog’s butt?
3. Would you rather eat rotting meat or rotting vegetables?
4. Would you rather sleep beside a dead body or bathe a dead body?
5. Would you rather shower in blood or drink blood?
6. Would you rather marry a zombie or venom?
7. Would you rather bleed from your nose or your eyes?
8. Would you rather drink sweat or eat poop?
9. Would you rather watch a friend commit murder or commit murder with your friend?
10. Would you rather always have your mother’s head in your pulse after she dies or your lover’s head?
11. Would you rather have horns or a tail?
12. Would you rather find a dead body in your house or your friend’s house?
13. Would you rather vomit on a baby or a baby vomit on you every day?
14. Would you rather be a cannibal or eat raw meat?
15. Would you rather have one eye pulled out, or your tongue pulled out?

16. Would you rather always scratch your genitals in public or have your genitals on your face?
17. Would you rather be a zombie or a vampire?
18. Would you rather be a serial killer’s child or your child be a serial killer?
19. Would you rather eat nose hair or pubic hair?
20. Would you rather drink water that someone spat in without knowing or find out someone spat in your food and eat it anyway?
21. Would you rather poop your pants or use a disgusting toilet?
22. Would you rather your best friend pees in your mouth or always pee through your mouth?

24 Would you rather questions for girls

Girls often change their minds and can’t decide between several options. However, would you rather questions help you give only two options to girls and prompt answers from them. They are a cute, sweet and smart way to learn what a girl wants. Would they choose to spend a day at home or going out? Find out with these fun questions.

1. Would you rather get a hug from your mom or your dad after a bad day?
2. Would you rather stay indoors or outdoors during an alien invasion?
3. Would you rather live with your mother or your father in the event of a divorce?
4. Would you rather adopt ten dogs or ten cats?
5. Would you rather be 20 forever or 25 forever?
6. Would you rather have a rocky marriage or a happy childless marriage?
7. Would you rather be rich and famous or rich and unknown?
8. Would you rather be a runway model or a talk show host?
9. Would you rather be famous with fake friends or unknown with real friends?
10. Would you rather date a cowboy or a geek?
11. Would you rather be Superman’s love interest or Thor’s love interest?
12. Would you rather only eat junk food or vegetables for a year?
13. Would you rather eat red or green apples?
14. Would you rather give up Twitter or Instagram?
15. Would you rather age a year every month or lose a year every year on your birthday?
16. Would you rather go out without makeup or without shoes?
17. Would you rather have a gold tooth or gap teeth?
18. Would you rather grief alone or have your loved ones around?
19. Would you rather have an extravagant wedding or a modest wedding?
20. Would you rather have a spoilt child or an unintelligent child?
21. Would you rather have freckles or dimples?
22. Would you rather your parents never have time for you or your parents are too involved in your life?
23. Would you rather marry for looks or personality?
24. Would you rather be locked in a morgue or a public restroom overnight?

24 Would you rather questions for couples

Would you rather questions are a great and fun way to spend time with your significant other. They are not only exciting but also help you learn about each other. Explore the galaxies and all possibilities in the world through these engaging would you rather questions.

1. Would you rather be in a bad relationship but it’s exciting or in a good boring relationship?

2. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
3. Would you rather your boyfriend be a fashionable dresser or wear comfortable clothes?
4. Would you rather move in after a month of dating or get married after a month of dating?
5. Would you rather spend money on traveling or buy something physical like a TV?
6. Would you rather your significant other works a questionable job or you work a job that you can never reveal to your significant other?
7. Would you rather cook for your lover or your lover cook for you?
8. Would you rather split chores with your significant other or always do all the work and they provide all the money?
9. Would you rather date a jealous person or a person who doesn’t care?
10. Would you rather give up bathing for a month or your significant other give up bathing for a month?
11. Would you rather turn your significant other into a zombie or a vampire?
12. Would you rather always eat early or very late in the night?
13. Would you rather know how you will die or how your significant other will die?
14. Would you rather date a confident guy or a shy guy?
15. Would you rather save your significant other or your child if they were drowning?
16. Would you rather ignore your significant other or your significant other ignores you?
17. Would you rather marry a stingy person or a reckless person?
18. Would you rather go hiking or biking?
19. Would you rather snuggle under the stars or make out in public?
20. Would you rather your significant other lost all your photos together or forgot about you for a day?
21. Would you rather be a cheater or your significant other cheats on you?
22. Would you rather watch movies or read books?
23. Would you rather dress in matching clothes every day or tell everyone you meet that you’re a couple?
24. Would you rather sing a duet together or go to a crowded concert?

21 Would you rather questions for girlfriend

Coming up with fun would you rather questions can be tasking, however, these questions help you ask the tough questions, have fun and steer conversations. To avoid running out of fun questions, keep reading from our extensive list of exciting, cute, funny and crazy questions.

1. Would you rather listen to jazz or classical music?
2. Would you rather live with your significant other after a week or live alone all your life?
3. Would you rather live in a beach house or a castle?
4. Would you rather lose three teeth before 30 or stop eating junks altogether?
5. Would you rather shave or wax?
6. Would you rather kiss in public or in private?
7. Would you rather date your ex again or marry a stranger?
8. Would you rather lose your engagement ring or forget your significant others birthday?
9. Would you rather your significant other is a vampire or a zombie?
10. Would you rather sign a vow of silence or a vow of purity?
11. Would you rather live somewhere quiet or somewhere lively?
12. Would you rather miss prom or graduations?
13. Would you rather your significant other picks their nose or you clean your ears with your fingers?
14. Would you rather walk naked for a week or your significant other walks naked for a day?
15. Would you rather swallow a worm or eat your significant other’s terrible cooking for a year?
16. Would you rather your significant see you without makeup or you never see them before ten?
17. Would you rather your significant other holds your arms or puts their arm around your waist?
18. Would you rather go to a club or slow dance under the stars?
19. Would you rather your significant other is a celebrity and you are unknown or you’re the celebrity and your significant other is unknown?
20. Would you rather go skiing or skydiving?
21. Would you rather receive notes or always get text messages?

22 Would you rather questions for a boyfriend

Sometimes, it is hard to know what your boyfriend is thinking or prefers. Would you rather questions can help you understand whether he prefers sports over concerts or chocolates over cookies.

Besides learning more about him, would you rather questions are a fun way of spending time together. Find out whether your boyfriend would pick sports with his friends over shopping with you

1. Would you rather see your girlfriend without makeup or always wait three hours to see her?
2. Would you rather watch the sunset or go to the beach?
3. Would you rather kiss on the first date or wait for the third date?
4. Would you rather get a kiss on your forehead or the cheek?
5. Would you rather make out in public or in private?
6. Would you rather take silly selfies or go to a photo booth?
7. Would you rather get breakfast in bed or have a candlelit dinner?
8. Would you rather take a bath or a shower together?
9. Would you rather have a baby now or wait till marriage?
10. Would you rather be popular among girls or your girlfriend is popular among guys?
11. Would you rather get a dog or a cat?
12. Would you rather your significant other smokes or drinks?
13. Would you rather have a superpower or be a villain?
14. Would you rather be a raccoon or a rat?
15. Would you rather be smart or attractive?
16. Would you rather do chores or babysit?
17. Would you rather go on a movie date or a dinner date?
18. Would you rather have a 6 pack or a hairy chest?
19. Would you rather lose all your hair or cheat on your significant other?
20. Would you rather eat at a fancy restaurant or a diner?
21. Would you rather be bad in bed or insecure?
22. Would you rather forget your phone or your anniversary?

28 Would you rather questions for guys

Are you looking for great would you rather question to help you gain some insights into your friends’ minds and other guys? Here is a list of amazing questions to find out what guys like, dislike, fear and prefer. You could end up learning about great quality or insecurity about them.

Ready to play?

1. Would you rather be confident or shy?
2. Would you rather be a teen dad or have no kids in the future?
3. Would you rather be popular or a nerd?
4. Would you rather live through a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?
5. Would you rather date in college and never again all your life or wait to meet your soulmate at 30?
6. Would you rather be a straight A’s student or be a football jock?
7. Would you rather be short and handsome or tall and ugly?
8. Would you rather play basketball or football?
9. Would you rather have a beard or chest hair?
10. Would you rather follow a strict diet or go to the gym every day?
11. Would you rather go shopping with your girlfriend or have a hard-on for three hours?
12. Would you rather take a hot shower or a cold shower?
13. Would you rather have webbed feet or knives for fingers?
14. Would you rather lose your charger or lose your password to Instagram?
15. Would you rather be a runway model or a rapper?
16. Would you rather have endurance or strength?
17. Would you rather read people’s mind or talk to animals?
18. Would you rather marry a vain popular girl or a dork?
19. Would you rather be immortal or control people’s mind?
20. Would you rather be a spider or a snake?
21. Would you rather be a donkey or a camel?
22. Would you rather be an alcoholic or a junkie?
23. Would you rather be a dictator or a fictional character?
24. Would you rather be short or bald?
25. Would you rather use a stranger’s toothbrush or your sibling’s toothbrush?
26. Would you rather marry for love or money?
27. Would you rather go to space or be a submarine commander?
28. Would you rather be a womanizer or a drunk?

24 Would you rather questions for teens

Would you rather questions for teens are a fun and interesting way to quiz each other and is a favorite among teenagers. The best part about the game is that it is easy to play and you just need to choose between two options.

Some would you rather questions are hard and some get you thinking. Don’t ever run out of questions to ask, keep the game going with these would you rather questions for teens that might help you learn something about yourself or your friends.

1. Would you rather be friends with a jock or a geek?
2. Would you rather spend your weekends indoors or outdoors?
3. Would you rather have overly involved parents or aloof parents?
4. Would you rather be a bully or be bullied?
5. Would you rather be popular among schoolmates or among teachers?
6. Would you rather shop vintage or vogue?
7. Would you rather move to the attic or share a room with two siblings?
8. Would you rather be in a school where you have to wear a uniform or casual outfits?
9. Would you rather take care of a pet or babysit your siblings?
10. Would you rather miss prom or graduation?
11. Would you rather be an emo kid or a nerd?
12. Would you rather have many fake friends or one true friend?
13. Would you rather be a child again or an adult already?
14. Would you rather skip showers for a week or have detention every day for a month?
15. Would you rather borrow from your friends or your siblings?
16. Would you rather have a maid or a chef?
17. Would you rather be gossip or be gossiped about?
18. Would you rather do laundry or fold clothes?
19. Would you rather be valedictorian or prom queen or king?
20. Would you rather have celebrity siblings or celebrity friends?
21. Would you rather your parents joined a cult or you led a cult?
22. Would you rather be popular or date someone popular?
23. Would you rather meet your celebrity crush or favorite author?
24. Would you rather be Kanye West or Trump?


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There are millions of would you rather questions for all situations. For years, would you rather questions serve as great icebreakers and help keep conversations going. If you’d like to learn some things that you might be too shy to ask, what better way than to play them, would you rather game and get all the mysteries out of the way?

More Questions To Ask



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