Lil Tjay Quotes and Sayings

These are inspirational, motivational, wise, and funny Lil Tjay quotes, sayings, and proverbs that inspire us. See more quotes by topic on Quotelicious.

  • Full name: Tione Jayden Merritt
  • Born: April 30, 2001
  • Born in: South Bronx, New York, United States
  • Occupation: rapper, singer, and songwriter
  • Height: 5ft 10in (178 cm)
  • Weight: 148 lbs
  • Net worth: $1 million

Lil Tjay quotes about music

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When I make my music, I try and speak to me. I try to go back and hear it, so my music gets me through the times, you know what I’m saying?


I feel like all my songs slept-on. I’m not complainin’, but I just wanna drop more heat.

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My dream job growing up was always to be an artist. It wasn’t even that I would be a rapper or singer; I just knew I would be a public figure.


I knew I wanted to make music since I was young.


I started out with making music next to a fan and a bed and a closet. You know what I’m saying, I was in the studio, everyday all day, shout to my big bro, his name Murder, he gave me the keys to his crib, he had this studio in his crib, I learner how to mix my own music, and I was working, working every day. And now, ‘tsss’ likes, it’s like, you know what I’m saying, leveled up.

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I want every song on it to be a hit.


A lot of time I like to sing music that people can relate to, but not necessarily put them in a depressed mood.

Inspirational Lil Tjay quotes

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I want to follow my dreams. I want to make sure that I put myself first and accomplish what I need to accomplish.

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I feel like a lot of times when stuff is on my mind, I really don’t show it. I know how to hide my emotions.


I really believe that I’m gonna blow up. It’s how I feel.

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Inspiration is basically just saying how I accomplished my goals or how I am accomplishing my goals.


I think that acting could be a talent.

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Honestly, my goal is just to let people hear my story and just like, feed everybody that could relate to my story in any way.


I kind of already wrote it but I wrote the song down. I wrote the song down in a notepad and I just found a beat like on YouTube and I just threw it on like still just be looking on YouTube.


I’m going to be the next king of the Earth.


I’m a good-hearted person and my biggest goal is to be successful. That’s really the biggest part about me.


I think that acting could be a talent.


I feel like being true to yourself is always going to keep you humble; it’s always going to make you remember who you are.

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